Welcome to My Scratchpad Friday, January 24 2025 @ 04:54 pm GMT

Bench PowerSupply

  • Views: 162,748


Ive increasingly found I need a better power supply while working on my Arduino projects. 

So here is my version of the standard ATX power supply conversion wrapped in a nice metal case I had laying around.




  • Views: 37,707

This is my take on the Arduino platform.

It plugs directly on to the side of the breadboard bringing all the data and analog pins directly on to the board with the 5v and ground rails.
Its my first home made double sided board and in fact only my second home made pcb using the toner transfer method. There are a few bits I can improve on the pcb layout such as movong more of the traces to the top side of the pcb. It took two attempts to get the top and bottom mask aligned but finaly I got them almost spot on.

Welcome to my selection of projects and how to's for the Arduino

  • Views: 5,996

Here are some of the bits and pieces I've been working on.

Some of them are just snippets that I've found useful and some are long term projects that will never get finished.
I hope theres something here to help others.